Honor Code

Honor Code Assignmenthelppro.com

This is a policy enforcing the observation of ethical laws at Assignmenthelppro.com. It highlights our expectations regarding the users in building as well as maintaining the quality of academic work.

Neither we promote any kind of academic dishonesty, nor will we be a part of it. This might include knowingly allowing students to cheat, practice fraudulent or illegal activities, or score marks that have not been acquired.

To get a better understanding, read the following -

The Assignmenthelppro.com Honor Code

Our tutors do not organize any tests, competitions, or complete your assignments that need to be submitted to the teachers for evaluation on behalf of the student. Also, we do not have any intention to knowingly support and help any student cheat, copy, plagiarise or engage in any activity that violates and disobeys the guidelines and norms mentioned by any particular university, college, or institution. Any evidence related to your intentional association with cheating will result in immediate termination of the service and from the platform.

Assignmenthelppro.com does not promote and will be involved in increasing any type of corporate disloyalty that leads to the violation of policies. This includes intentionally assisting and contributing users to practice fraudulent activities and illegal acts.

In case any freelancer knowingly facilitates such illegal activities, he or she will be immediately terminated from the platform.

Why do we Gather Information?

No. We never gather your personal information without your prior permission. However, we may place pixels of cookies on your device in such scenarios. Cookies store specific data when you are accessing our website. You will have the option to disable the setting from your browser in case you want.

What Kind of Data do we gather from our users?

To Students

Assignmenthelppro.com comprehends and acknowledges the pressure encountered by users and deadline stringencies that are associated with academic tasks. However, we never entertain any action of students to violate any kind of policies and guidelines that are mentioned by universities or schools or disobey academic integrity.

To Businesses

Do we share your Information with Anyone?

We collaborate with third parties to provide and deliver our users with the best experience and impressive service. In such scenarios, we might disclose your information with third-party service providers and vendors to process your request. Other than that, we will only disclose your information and personal data to law enforcement agencies or the government.

To Freelancers,

At Assignmenthelppro.com, we offer you a platform to showcase yourself as a helpful professional for the students. As a freelancer associated with us, you are expected to uphold and respect the integrity of our brand by paying heed to the below-mentioned guidelines.

Contact Information Sharing

The users of our platform are not allowed to prevent other users from disclosing their personal information and data. You are given the access to utilize the platform only in order to communicate with others.

Honor Code Abuse

If you come across any kind of Honor Code violation or Policy Abuse, please get in touch with us immediately to report the violation.


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